
3 October 2024

Education and Services for People with Autism

Your results show your progress in achieving the eight Gatsby Benchmarks.

Compass evaluation results help you to identify strengths and discover areas for improvement within your careers provision.

Benchmark 1

A stable careers programme

Your school has met 64% of the 17 assessment areas in benchmark 1


Every school and college should have an embedded programme of career education and guidance that is known and understood by pupils, teachers, governors and employers.

Your whole-school careers programme: Achieved?
Is written down
Is approved by the board of governors
Has the explicit backing of senior leadership
Has resources allocated to it
Has systematic monitoring in place
Has both strategic and operational elements
Is published on your school's website
Is on the school's website with information aimed specifically at:
Is evaluated for effectiveness at least every 3 years
Is evaluated using systematic feedback from:
Has an identified lead individual with strategic responsibility for overseeing the programme

Resources for delivering Gatsby Benchmark 1

Access our Resource Directory to help you achieve this Gatsby Benchmark.

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Your previous score
Apr 2024

Benchmark 2

Learning from career & labour market information

Your school has met 100% of the 2 assessment areas in benchmark 2


Every pupil, and their parents, should have access to good quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities. They will need the support of an informed adviser to make best use of available information.

Your school: Achieved?
Ensures the majority of students have used up-to-date and appropriate career & labour market information to help inform career/progression paths.
Encourages parents and carers to use labour market information, future study options and career or transition pathways to aid the support given to their children.

Resources for delivering Gatsby Benchmark 2

Access our Resource Directory to help you achieve this Gatsby Benchmark.

Go to Resource Directory.

Your previous score
Apr 2024

Benchmark 3

Addressing the needs of each pupil

Your school has met 100% of the 7 assessment areas in benchmark 3


Advice and support should be tailored to the needs of each pupil. Keeping good records of pupils and their destinations after school will help.

Your school: Achieved?
Provides a careers programme that:
Raises aspirations of all students
Challenges stereotypical thinking (In terms of gender etc)
Collects and maintains accurate data for each pupil on their destinations for 3 years after they leave school
Shares above mentioned data with the local authority
Keeps systematic records on each pupils’ experiences of career and enterprise activity, and decisions on future pathways
Enables pupils to access accurate record about their careers and enterprise experiences, and decisions on future pathways
Works pro-actively with the local authority and careers advisers to provide careers guidance to students.

Resources for delivering Gatsby Benchmark 3

Access our Resource Directory to help you achieve this Gatsby Benchmark.

Go to Resource Directory.

Your previous score
Apr 2024

Benchmark 4

Linking curriculum learning to careers

Your school has met 100% of the 4 assessment areas in benchmark 4


Careers and enterprise education should be part of and included in a pupil's standard lessons, linking curriculum to real-world career paths.

Your school: Achieved?
All/the overwhelming majority of students by the time they leave school, have meaningfully experienced career learning as part of:
English lessons
Maths lessons
Science lessons
PSHE lessons

Resources for delivering Gatsby Benchmark 4

Access our Resource Directory to help you achieve this Gatsby Benchmark.

Go to Resource Directory.

Your previous score
Apr 2024

Benchmark 5

Encounters with employers & employees

Your school has met 100% of the single assessment area in benchmark 5


All pupils should have encounters with employers and employees that result in a better understanding of the workplace and the potential career paths open to them.

All/the overwhelming majority of pupils: Achieved?
Have at least one meaningful encounter with an employer every year they are at your school

Resources for delivering Gatsby Benchmark 5

Access our Resource Directory to help you achieve this Gatsby Benchmark.

Go to Resource Directory.

Find an Activity Provider to help you achieve this Gatsby Benchmark.

Go to Find an Activity Provider.

Your previous score
Apr 2024

Benchmark 6

Experiences of workplaces

Your school has met 100% of the single assessment area in benchmark 6


It's important for pupils to experience the workplace environment to understand the context in which they could one day be working.

All/the overwhelming majority of pupils: Achieved?
Have obtained a meaningful experience of a workplace or community-based setting during years 12 and 13 (or above 13 if applicable)

Resources for delivering Gatsby Benchmark 6

Access our Resource Directory to help you achieve this Gatsby Benchmark.

Go to Resource Directory.

Find an Activity Provider to help you achieve this Gatsby Benchmark.

Go to Find an Activity Provider.

Your previous score
Apr 2024

Benchmark 7

Encounters with further and higher education

Your school has met 100% of the 4 assessment areas in benchmark 7


Careers provision should cover further and higher education as well as potential professions. Pupils should have encounters with these organisations whilst at school.

By the time they leave school all/the overwhelming majority of pupils: Achieved?
Have had meaningful encounters with sixth form colleges
Have been provided with information about the full range of apprenticeships
Have had meaningful encounters with further education colleges
Have had meaningful encounters with independent training providers

Resources for delivering Gatsby Benchmark 7

Access our Resource Directory to help you achieve this Gatsby Benchmark.

Go to Resource Directory.

Your previous score
Apr 2024

Benchmark 8

Personal guidance

Your school has met 0% of the single assessment area in benchmark 8


Every student should have opportunities for guidance interviews with a career adviser, who could be internal or external, provided they are trained to an appropriate level.

All/the overwhelming majority of pupils: Achieved?
Have had at least two interviews with a professional careers adviser by the end of year 13 (or above year 13 if applicable)

Resources for delivering Gatsby Benchmark 8

Access our Resource Directory to help you achieve this Gatsby Benchmark.

Go to Resource Directory.

Your previous score
Apr 2024
Careers and Enterprise Gatsby